Search Results for "css-media-query-for-iphone-plus-and-xs-max-portrait-conflicting"
Forum Threads
How to load jquery and other vendor js & css files through importmap in Rails 7
Page blinking when using tailwindcss
In fact, if you go to production assets are compiled and you won't noticed this blinking. Solved!
edouard replied • Solvedrails 4.2.8 - stylesheet_link_tag throws ActionView::Template::Error: no implicit conversion of nil into String
I'm trying to update a rails app which runs totally fine if I use rails 4.2.4 (the version it's been developed on) upto rails 4.2.7 As soon as I switch to rails 4.2.8 or later (tested all versio...
Widu Wittekindt postedHow can I add an avatar using (Carrierwave) to the ActionCable Chatroom Project?
The code that I have below is for the _message.html.erb partial ``` <% if message.user.user_profile.avatar.profile_thumb.present? %> <%= image_tag message.user.user_profile.avatar....
Darion Wood postedUsing Flexbox to arrange images
This is the code you want at a very base level for `flexbox`. However, you do have other options such as `grid` which involves less code. ``` .flex { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .flex-c...
Dan Mitchell repliedwhy drop down menu (Account Setting)is not showing in sidebar?
i found the problem here , some css class issue
naveen kumar replied • SolvedHow to use Bootstrap with Webpack & Rails Discussion
Also going to add that I had issues with the tooltips triggering after I left the page and came back so to help with any conflicts with Turbolinks I changed addEventLstener to: document.addEventL...
bradley repliedHow can I add third party plugin in rails 6?
My application.html.erb looks like this. I just want to remove all cloudfare(cdnjs) external link from application.html.erb. Instead of that I just want to use it in application.js . Because I dont...
Siva Ganesh postedWhy is application.css working locally but 404 on production server?
The defaults are also manipulated by the `load_defaults` method which can tell Rails to use the defaults from a specific version of Rails. Could be something with that maybe, I'm not sure. https://...
Chris Oliver replied • SolvedHatchbox deployment questions
Finally figured it out. The connection was there, just `rails db:setup` was failing, but `rails db:schema:load` did work. Thanks again for all your help and quick responses
Alex Deering repliedOrganizing Your Asset Pipeline in Development for Speed Discussion
Oh man! Why didn't I think about that? I was suffering with this problem a long time. Every time I need to change a letter in one of the SCSS specific to my app, Sprockets recompiles Foundation and...
Lucas Repolês repliedUsing the Trix Editor plus File Upload Attachments Discussion
Hi there! Any idea why uploading works in development locally, but not on ngrok or in production? I get this: application-f91eb14d1a71eb1bded7bacba5a2c9f6e50d1ef47606669468a65584ed3f021d.js:18352 U...
Gabriel Ursache repliedRealtime Nested Comments: Part 3 Discussion
it was really painful to add the current_user (if you want to have edit and delete only for the person who created that comment) to this since device's current_user method it not working with hotwi...
OuttaSpaceTime repliedHeroku deployment failing
I am trying to deploy this app to heroku. i get this error with the precompiling asset pipeline. I tried removing jquery from my Gem file but the error persists. log: ... remote: Installing...
Hassanelashram postedSimple newsletter sign up?
Getting it on Digital Ocean is easy. I can walk you through it. The GoRails deploy guide should give you everything you need to get started. Let us know where you're stuck and we'll chime in to ...
shakycode repliedCSS Beginner Need Help
Hi, i am new to CSS and HTML and i have been trying to make the background of my HTML site an image, but it doesnt seem to work and the image does not appear on my HTML ...
AfjalKhan repliedOverride CSS in Gem with CSS from app
Hi, I'm working on a Rails Gem. The gem provides one view and a basic stylesheet for it. When installed in an app, i'd like to be able to override the basic styles with other styles in the app it...
Neil Tonge postedUpdating CSS classes in production doesnt show changes
Beautiful, that was it. Thanks so much
Alex Deering repliedUsing tailwind css in my rails app, patterned after your blog tutorial. How do I get rid of all the whitespace on each side of the page, I want to use the whole screen?
The application.html.erb change didn't post in my original question - here it is body class="prose prose-p-0 prose-max-w-none mx-auto"
Mike Cannon replied