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Code Review: Refactoring the Receipts gem for Composability Discussion


One thing I've found helpful is to purposefully start with a very concrete approach (like you following the designer's template) and only refactor it later to make it more flexible if and when it's needed. Because it's hard to predict exactly what flexibility you need. You don't want to end up with the wrong abstractions.

Curious to hear your views on this. Do you think you would have found this composable approach for the receipts gem if you didn't first start out with the more fixed approach?

How do you balance the trade-offs of A) getting something shipped quickly that works and can be refactored later, versus B) taking a more flexible/composable approach from the beginning and risk using the wrong abstracting or even spend additional time on code that might be removed in the near future anyway (e.g. if it's a feature users don't end up using).

On the issue of balance perhaps it should be established.

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