Setup Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Discussion
rvm has first tier support for bash, and nominal support for zsh, and WILL NOT WORK in other shells. rbenv is the tool you need to use for other shells, or just do things manually.
Peter Boling repliedrvm has first tier support for bash, and nominal support for zsh, and WILL NOT WORK in other shells. rbenv is the tool you need to use for other shells, or just do things manually.
Peter Boling repliedits possible to use this gem without subdomain. So every tenant will have same domain but inside the logic there is scheme segregation ?
soutsur repliedCool. I'll try it this afternoon. Thanks so much again.
Melanie replied • SolvedThis helped me so much. Thanks a lot!!
Meron Ogbai repliedI couldn't get this to work with a CSS-only gem :/ Any reason why my application.css would not be able to find my gem? Is it because it is a nested module (gem is called libloki-ui, not hosted on ...
Brian repliedYou have solved this problem?
Nikola Okonesh repliedHi Chris. This is an old episode and an old discussion. But it's still relevant, I watched it and used it in my Rails 7 project. But what I want to add to the Set Schedule dialog are the 'until' a...
Margarita Barvinok repliedHey Chris just to let you know, document.hidden did not work for me, so i test documen.hasFocused() == true and it works just fine.
FX repliedI have a really small question... How do i style a particular element in a particular controller action. I know there's a way to put the controller name in the body of appcontroller but i don't kno...
Anyanwu Miracle repliedHi chris, Isn't storing chat id is vulnerable to XSS?
anasaijaz repliednice Introduction Cris, it looks like this is going to be a great feature for future rails applications comes
joelGarcia93 repliedHi Chris, I am reading gibbon gem but unsure on what it is exactly for? Would you describe how you are using it for gorails to illustrate?
Stan X repliedI am trying to deploy this app to heroku. i get this error with the precompiling asset pipeline. I tried removing jquery from my Gem file but the error persists. log: ... remote: Installing...
Hassanelashram postedim using rails 7 when Im going on new_admin_invitation_path this route then getting 401 unauthorized error and its redirected me to sign_in page
nikhil kumawat repliedThis is exactly what I was looking for!! Thank you so much!!! I'd love to see how you integrate React to this feature too.
Ken Hibino repliedHey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana repliedGetting it on Digital Ocean is easy. I can walk you through it. The GoRails deploy guide should give you everything you need to get started. Let us know where you're stuck and we'll chime in to ...
shakycode repliedAlso going to add that I had issues with the tooltips triggering after I left the page and came back so to help with any conflicts with Turbolinks I changed addEventLstener to: document.addEventL...
bradley repliedHmm, you're right. I would check a couple things: 1. Make sure you're including any of the browser specific tags that you might be using for newer css styles. Make sure you include any of the `-mo...
Chris Oliver replied