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Best Rails error monitoring software ?


Hi ,

    I am working on a legacy application. I would like to add error monitoring tool for this application. It uses delayed job and other gems. I think Airbreak is the good one. Plese let me know your thoughts . Are there any free services for Rails ?


@Jack - Is there any way to detect background Job (cron Job) errors though bugsnag ?

I've been using Appflux for my Ruby on Rails projects from a ouple of years and the integration is quite seemless. Also, It is completely free of cost and provides out of the box solution for messaging as well, so that's a plus as well. is pretty awesome.

I think Sentry ( is the best tool you can use

It enables asynchronous reporting so errors are logged quickly in a background job.
It filters and groups Rails exceptions intuitively to eliminate noise.

BoTree Technologies also provide best ruby on rails service. Check it out:

Software development companies hire ruby on rail developers through Coding Pixels ( , And most of our ROR developers are using following rails error monitoring tools:

  • Airbrake
  • Sentry
  • Raygun
  • Rollbar
  • AppsSignal

+1 for Sentry.

For error monitoring tools to I use

becose has a very intuitive dashboard to find all the errors that happened in your applications segregated by platform, device model, users, app version, and an infinite amount of predefined and custom filters you can add dynamically.

For monitoring employee I use becose

there is data accuracy, employee/agents attendance, he also enables blocking of certain websites & programs which ensure productivity.

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