Chris Oliver


290,430 Experience
86 Lessons Completed
296 Questions Solved


Posted in Setup MacOS 10.9 Mavericks Discussion

Try specifying the "host:" option so it doesn't try to connect through the socket.

Posted in jQuery UJS and AJAX Discussion

If you create a partial to render the list of articles, you can do that easily with this. If you have a div that contains all the articles:

<div id="articles"></div>

You can create a link to load them:

<%= link_to "Load Articles", articles_path, remote: true %>

And then your articles.js.erb can insert them into the page:

$("#articles").append("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: "articles") %>");

That would render the _articles.html.erb partial, insert it into the JS response, and then when it gets executed, it will add it to the end of the #articles div.

Make sense?

Posted in Using Vagrant for Rails Development Discussion

Most definitely!

Posted in jQuery UJS and AJAX Discussion

Good point. That works well enough. I'm curious, do you know of any ways to actually have it throw Javascript exceptions to make debugging even easier?

I guess it does trigger the "ajax:error" callback with the error, so we could listen for that. Looks like this gives a few decent examples:

Posted in jQuery UJS and AJAX Discussion

Thanks David! I think learning how Rails works itself is the key that most people aren't teaching. Hopefully this approach helps a lot.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion

Get rid of the keys line in ssh_options. You have to login to the server with your local ssh key, not your remote user's key. It will do this by default and same with auth_methods. You can leave forward_agent but can get rid of the rest.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion

Ah okay, then check that your config matches your ssh credentials. You've got something different in your config than what you use when connecting over ssh manually.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion


It looks like you didn't change user or ip_address to the actual user account or IP number. Change that and it should work.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion

Thanks Ben, definitely plan on doing that. Chef scripts are super duper awesome and it's incredibly useful. Hopefully I'll be able to do that soon!

Posted in Styling with Bootstrap Sass Discussion

Just make sure sass-rails is in your Gemfile. As long as you're on a compatible version of sass, you should be fine.

You might just be missing the ending curly brace. This works for me:

= button_to "Go Rails!".html_safe, events_path, method: :patch, class: 'btn btn-success', data: { disable_with: " Waiting..."}

Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion

Pry is awesome as well. This is similar and doesn't need to be in your console. It's not as powerful as pry in some areas like being able to cd into objects, so you can use the two together.

Posted in Keeping track with Annotate Discussion

Thanks for sharing that! I don't think I've run annotate with Postgres specific data types so I didn't know it had trouble with that. Great job on the gem.

Posted in Ruby Version Managers Discussion

With these version managers, you should never need to use sudo. The reason for this is that they install Ruby in your home directory so you own it. That means that installing gems, running bundler, and anything else all happens in your home directory as well. Since you own that folder, you won't be installing somewhere in the system and means that using sudo then would change the ownership to root and cause problems.

Posted in Ruby Version Managers Discussion

Yes! I haven't chruby, but hear it's great. Thanks for including the link to that. I'm going to give it a shot soon on a setup and see how it goes.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion

Sounds like you might have a foreign character somewhere in there that isn't US-ASCII. Are you using UTF8 characters anywhere?

1. Make sure font-awesome is included in your application.css
2. If you put the font-awesome icon on the page outside of the button, does it show up by itself?

I just fixed the example code in the notes. It was getting automatically removed on accident.

Posted in Sending emails with Mandrill Discussion

Hey Angelo! I believe the mandrill-rails gem only supports Mandrill's inbound email webhooks.

The primary goal of Mandrill::Rails is to make supporting Mandrill web hooks as easy and Rails-native as possible.

The mandrill-api gem should be for accessing their REST API which you can find here:

Posted in The Params Hash | GoRails

Definitely an episode on strong_params in the works. This is a great one to go in depth on.