Alvin Kato


25,760 Experience
257 Lessons Completed
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Posted in Multiuser Live Video Chat in Rails Discussion

Silly spammer. No thank you, we don't want or need your malware!

Posted in Your First Ember App Discussion

Update: You can use one droplet. After all, both projects won't be installed in the same location. Think of it this way, when you develop on your machine, you have both Ember and Rails installed and in most cases, they don't conflict. So the same thing should work on the cloud.

For connecting the backend with the frontend, you have to do some magic with the adapter. I recommend this tutorial: "

Posted in Your First Ember App Discussion

You could do that and some companies recommend that for instance thoughtbot. Personally I would n't though, your git commits would be messy because you'd be commit to 2 different project/languages in one go and that can lead to messy git logs when debugging.

Posted in Why Ember? Discussion

ha ha he probably said that to bait you into confirming this ha ha

Posted in Sending Data Between Controllers And Views | GoRails

Simple and concise indeed, it demystifies the underlying operation of Rails. Good work!

Posted in User Authentication with Devise | GoRails

This was an excellent episode Chris!