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Posted in Calendar with Recurring Events Error Message - undefined method `has_key?' for "null":String
Hi I'm trying to follow Chris's Recurring events tutorial and I'm coming across this error message...
NoMethodError in EventsController#index
undefined method `has_key?' for "null":String
Extracted source (around line #15):
def rule
IceCube::Rule.from_hash recurring
def schedule(start)
def rule
IceCube::Rule.from_hash recurring
def schedule(start)
Has anyone encountered this and happen to know the fix? (I know the gem and video are pretty old but everything seemed to be working well up to this point).
I'm getting the same issue...but only on the editCard method. The save button is now updating the card name via rails, but it doesn't immediately display in the browser via Vue. (Only upon refresh is the updated card name shown). Any ideas Chris? thanks!
@Filip/Chris - is there an update on that rails-ujs issue? The new rails-ujs version doesn't seem to solve this (I, like Brenden, still have to include that 'beforeSend: function() { return true } ' line you mentioned in your comment...thanks,
Posted in Advanced Search, Autocomplete and Suggestions with ElasticSearch and the Searchkick gem Discussion
Ah nice! - you da man...I'll watch it tonight. Much appreciated...
Posted in Advanced Search, Autocomplete and Suggestions with ElasticSearch and the Searchkick gem Discussion
Hi Chris - that would be an awesome addition to this search tutorial...(a global search using typeahead.js / searchkick that spans across 2 or 3 models). I'm trying to do this in an app of mine and am hitting a lot of snags. Will you be getting to this anytime soon? much appreciated...
Chris, any chance you could follow this episode up at some point and build the full drop down functionality like you did in the previous notification episodes???