Quentin Robinson
Posted in Active Storage, AWS S3 and Cloudfront
Sorry Alex, I think I initially misunderstood what you were trying to do but now I think I understand. I did some quick research and it doesn't look like there is any "out of the box" support for cloudfront in active storage atm. I did find a gist that might help you though, assuming you haven't tried it already. I'll do some further looking as well and see if there might not be a better solution. Gist url is https://gist.github.com/timm-oh/10c4f06effa536ff32c5d038e0dd57e1
Posted in Active Storage, AWS S3 and Cloudfront
Not for storage.yml. If you want to link to any of those assets though, you'll need to use the cf distribution domain in the link.
Posted in Active Storage, AWS S3 and Cloudfront
Hey Alex,
Cloudfront would actually be setup in the console or cli, terraform etc.. which would then cache content from your s3 bucket at edge locations. As far as your storage.yml, you just use s3 like normal. Any files uploaded through the app would then get picked up by cloudfront automatically (although new assets won't get cached until the edge location gets a request for that asset).
As far as linking, use your cloudfront distribution url that you got when you set it up and AWS will take care of routing to the closest edge location for you.
Hope that helps.
Posted in Angular 8 with Rails 6?
I'm working on getting Angular 8 working with Webpacker and Rails 6 and almost everything is working except for template rendering. When I go to the app and inspect, I can see the component selector tag there (<hello-angular></hello-angular>
) but for some reason the actual template.html isn't rendering at all. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried installing this on a few different vm's and keep getting a connection reset. Has anyone else run into this?
Posted in How to render ssh output
Posted in How to render ssh output
I'm looking at streaming a few different things, but SSH streaming would defintely work for getting the basics down.