Anthony Lee
Hey Alan, did your approach work? This worked for me: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/35002
Anyone else having an eager loading problem with this tutorial?
USE eager loading detected
Comment => [:commentable]
Add to your query: .includes([:commentable])
Arnas, did you get this to work?
This was a very helpful tutrial. It will be nice add on to have this in react and vue.
Can't you just do this with automatic deploys in Heroku?
Posted in Grandfathering
Thanks for replying guys. Daniel, those are great tips! Thanks. I got some good ideas from you both.
My situation was little bit different, since I was moving our users from freemium to a paid version. I decided to grandfathered in the free users and start charging for the new users.
It was little tricky since users had different authorization levesl to certain parts of the services.
I was wondering how other people were approaching the problem, and these helped!
Posted in Grandfathering
I am experimenting with pricing. Any good tips or procedures to try out grandfathering in old users and apply new pricing to new users?
I fixed it by:
- Installing SSL (LetsEncrypt)
- configuring the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourapp file to listen to 443
- configuring the firewall
This was a good resource:
I have tested this in:
Amazon Lightsail
Digital Ocean
and it seems to all work with just few minor changes in each.
Posted in Auto saving forms as they type.
Yes Chris, I think this is a common feature now that it will be a great screencast! DO IT.
Posted in Auto saving forms as they type.
Any good tips on how to auto save the form while user is typing?
For example:
Post is a model. I press create new post to open up a form. While I am typing a post field—it auto saves the post prior to pressing the save button. As user continues to type new things, it continues to save. I have seen some javascript libraries—but was wondering if anyone has implemented this with their rails app.
Posted in How to calculate MRR in Stripe?
I need total sum of MRR amount in single digit. Anyone knows how this is possible in Stripe?
Do it!
@service = Service.where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first
FYI, that line gives an error if you cancel the omniauth login process.