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If you put the images in your app/assets/images
directory, then you should be able to call the image directly with no prefix in the path. ie. image_url('logo.png')
I am using the following to submit my form when creating a product.
<%= button_tag("Create", type: "submit", form: 'new_product') %>
However, the issue I am facing is that when I try to do the same for editing a product, the form does not submit at all.
<%= button_tag("Create", type: "submit", form: 'edit_product') %>
My question is, what am I missing from this not to submit the edit form? I mean when I press the button, nothing happens at all. haha
I know there's bound to be simple answer thanks in advance
Posted in Improve on these ActiveRecord requests?
I will give this a try, but i get the idea of having last 30 days as the default. It makes sense.
I could use JSONB to store the visits i suppose, and just update them every few hours.
Cheers Chris, given me something to think about this evening.
Posted in Improve on these ActiveRecord requests?
Do you mean have a column in the Products table which houses the count figure, and have a job to do the calculation each night, and update that figure?
That would be fine, but I may need to get the impressions for the last 7 days, 30 days, 6 months or even a year. So storing it may not be the mode reusable solution.
I have 2 tables, Products
and Impressions
which are related, and impressions belong to products.
maybe i need to get all products, and include the impressions count? that way it should be more efficient.
Posted in Improve on these ActiveRecord requests?
I am trying to get the top 5 products, based on the impressions that product has recieved.
Now the code below is working ok, but its not in the right order, and I cant work out a better way to get the impressions.
@products.joins("INNER JOIN products ON = I.product_id")
.from("product_id, COUNT(product_id) as visits")
.group("product_id").limit(5).order("visits DESC"),:I)
Also, while i am here, is there also a more effiecient way to write out the getting of the total impressions for the last 30 days, based on a selection of products? So far i have the following...
Once again, it works ok, but it feels a little cumbersome. Maybe there is a i could combine both?
@impressions = Impression.joins(:product)
.where('impressions.created_at > ?', 30.days.ago)
.where(products: { id: @products.pluck(:id) })
As always so many ways to get stuff done. I will check out scopes later this evening.
Had to convert the parm to an int using .to_i
but otherwise that worked well. However, as I had set the route "slug" to group_id
. and I then had the issues that my nested routes were given the param group_group_id
dammit! haha
Any way, I stuck the nested resources inside a member do
and a little tweaking of the paths, everything seems to be working as expected. Maybe not the cleanest solution, but sometimes I do feel the strictness of Rails can be a negative.
How about something like this?
add_breadcrumb "category / #{@title}", categories_path
Posted in New Site Design!
loving the new design and how its working. well done sir!
What should add_breadcrumb 'category / ' << @title, categories_path
Maybe this gem could help?
Hi all,
I have user groups setup on my app using the code below...
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_groups
has_many :groups, through: :user_groups
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_groups
has_many :users, through: :user_groups
class UserGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :group
All is working as expected, users are assigned to a group, and can access the data for that group. I have come accross an issue where any user, can access ANY group. Obvioulsy this is not good haha.
Can anyone recommend how i would go about preventing access to a group if a user is not a member of the group they are trying to access.
I was thinking of using a before_action
and using it there and other controllers when needed.
FYI, i also have products assigned to groups so have a URL structure (below) which measn the ID variable for the group changes, not sure if i could just make that stay as :group_id
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Yeah this is what i was thinking. Cookies were my preffered way, it also means i can keep the url simple.
Thanks as always Jacob. Its good to get feedback on the ideas in my mind :)
Hi all,
Im trying to work out the best way to do a task.
On the users menu, they are able to select a region they are a member of. Once a user selects a region I want to load all data on the page based on that data until they select another, or reset it to all.
So if a user has not selected an option they will see all data for the regions they are a member of.
I have a couple of ideas, but is there a better way to do this?
Idea 1: have a :region_id in the URL - if none loads all. Other wise have a route like
Idea 2: Set a cookie, and load based on that?
I did have a look at the import gem, and I am sure moving forward I can refactor the code better for scrapes.
This was an interesting post -
It will totally depend on the site, this one I am pulling in a global hit of 152, others may have less. Really enjoying Nokogiri and Sidekiq
Been a while!! :)
I have just been trying something similar, I did start to look at transactions. I think the main issue is that I am creating an array of items to insert. And as this is within sidekiq I am having to use plain ruby.
I am creating new records, and want to be able to catch the ones that error and add them to my activity log so I can look into them and why they may have failed.
What would be the best way to do this?
Currently, I am doing the following by passing over an array of categories.
I have validation on the name of the category to make sure its unique.
- xyz failed to be created.
- Created 99/100 categories, 1 failed.
ActivityLog.create(:act_type => "Insert", :act_action => "", :updated_by => "System", :activity => log_msg, :act_tstamp =>
But the book is also well worth buying for reference.
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