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Posted in SEEKING FREELANCER - Javascript configuration

I tried adding

document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {

to my google maps initialiser, but I still get the same problem.

I havent been able to find anyone on or upwork that has been able to solve this configuration. None of my books, coursera programs, codeschool courses or the tutorials on this site address configuration. If you know of a resource that could help me to learn about what I need to do to configure a rails app so that I can use javascript, I'd really appreciate it.

I can see from this post [] that I'm imposing beyond my welcome on Stack Overflow and I'm reluctant to keep asking for help there - it hasnt been an effective way of solving this problem either. Perhaps ceejayoz is right - it's time to give up on trying to learn to code. I'm not intelligent enough to get step one sorted out.

Posted in SEEKING FREELANCER - Javascript configuration

Hi John

Do you mean that I should write my address.js inside an event listener?


Posted in SEEKING FREELANCER - Importing CSV file

Hi John

I'm not using google spreadsheets. I tried moving the xls content to the google drive and then using that google drive sheet download to upload as a csv file. I get this error message:

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

That line points to an error with the create action in the controller, which has:

def create
    # @field =
    redirect_to action: "index", notice: "Data imported"

I originally was trying with xls. That didnt work at all.

I then tried to convert my xls file to a csv. That gave me the UTF 8 error that I posted.

I then tried manually copying and pasting data from the spreadhseet into a file I created in my app (root path) and saved as a CSV. I enterted the | separators manually. That didnt work either. In that case the error I get is the most recent post I made on the tutorial discussion thread.

I just tried your suggestion to specify the form of separator as col_sep: '|'. I get the same error as I get when I try without that component.

Thanks anyway for trying to help me.


Posted in SEEKING FREELANCER - Importing CSV file

Hi John

I tried all the things I set out in the posts.

Here is my most recent SO post trying to find a way to get this tutorial working - which sets out the most recent error and the problems I'm having in following the tutorial.

Posted in SEEKING FREELANCER - Importing CSV file

I've tried to follow along with Chris' tutorial on importing records from a CSV file.

I cant get the file to upload.

I've posted loads of quesitons on the discussion board for the first video in the tutorial series.

If you are able to answer those questions - I'd be happy to pay for help to get the answers.


Posted in SEEKING FREELANCER - Javascript configuration

I have been trying for 4 years and 3 months to try to setup a basic rails app.

I have bought 10+ books, subscribed to this and several ohter subscription services to try to learn the basics of rails and javascript, posted hundreds of points in bounties on stack overflow and spent several thousand dollars on / upwork and others in trying to ask for specific professional help in setting up a rails app to work with javascript. I cant understand why there isnt a basic guide that speaks to configuration (or if one exists, why it is so well hidden).

If anyone is available for paid work - to setup my app so that I can use javascript, in production, hosted on heroku with a rails 5 app, please could you let me know your rate and availability for a skype call to get this done.

I'm running out of steam to keep trying to learn to code. I've run down my rescources and am not clever enough to get past the basic configuration.

For background on all the things I've tried (just over this past year -now that I have started again with Rails 5), here is my most recent attempt:

Thank you

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

Actually - I tried the steps I described below with just a few lines, that I amended manually to insert a pipe between cell values.

When i try to rake the task I get an error that says:

bundle exec rake import:randd_fields --trace

** Invoke import:randd_fields (first_time)

** Invoke environment (first_time)

** Execute environment

** Execute import:randd_fields


rake aborted!

NameError: undefined local variable or method `title' for main:Object

Has anyone been able to get this tutorial to work?

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

So - it seems that saving my .xls file with a .csv extension inside my rails app (root level) didn't work to make the file eligible to be treated as a CSV file. I've now tried copying and pasting the content of my 2 column excel file into the .csv file saved in my rails app.

That pasted several hundred lines but without the | separating the cell content.

This is the first 3 lines (the first one is the header).

Is there a way to insert the pipes without having to go line by line to paste them in?


010104pCombinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (excl. Physical Combinatorics)

010107pMathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

Can anyone make sense of these instructions for selecting the first column of a long list of text?

I'm trying to manually add the "|" to separate the first and second column of the content of my xls file which is now pasted into a .csv file in my rails app. there are 1000s of lines.

I can't understand what it's telling me to do so that I can select the first column and then press paste to separate it from the second bit of content with the "|"

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

So - it seems that saving my .xls file with a .csv extension inside my rails app (root level) didn't work to make the file eligible to be treated as a CSV file. I've now tried copying and pasting the content of my 2 column excel file into the .csv file saved in my rails app.

That pasted several hundred lines but without the | separating the cell content.

This is the first 3 lines (the first one is the header).

Is there a way to insert the pipes without having to go line by line to paste them in?


010104pCombinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (excl. Physical Combinatorics)

010107pMathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

Is anyone getting this error when trying to rake the task?

rake aborted!

ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

Hi Chris, I think I might have converted my xls file to a csv file and saved it to my root file. I've tried to follow this tutorial but keep getting errors when I try to run the rake command in the console. When you use the line be rake import:users, is the reference to 'users' a reference to the name of the model, the name of the task or something else? My task is called 'for_codes', my model is called Randd::Field. I've tried both in the console but keep getting errors that say: "NameError: undefined local variable or method `for_codes' for main:Object"

I've asked here to see if anyone else can see what's wrong:

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

I have now found the roo, creek, spreadsheet and dullard gems. They talk about needing to convert xls files (which I have) to xlsx format. It all looks confusing. Maybe you could add another video to show how to change xls into csv so that these tutorials can be used to import data or you could do an overview of whichever of these gems is most suitable for importing data from xls files. I'm about to start trying with each of them now.

Posted in Introduction to Importing from CSV Discussion

Hi Chris,

I'm stuck trying to import records from an excel spreadsheet.

Is there a way to convert my xls file into a csv file so I can follow along with your tutorial?

If not, please can you recommend a source of an excel importing tutorial.

In addition to trying to adapt your tutorial, I have tried each of these and can't get any of them to work:

The problem seems to be one that other users here have encountered with their attempts. All of my attempts at solving this are outlined here:


Posted in CSV Upload Form to Import Records Discussion

Did you figure this out? I have the same error.

Posted in CSV Upload Form to Import Records Discussion

Hi Chris, please can you expand this series to show how to upload excel files. I'm struggling to make your process work with an excel file instead of a csv file in my app. I've moved on to trying all the tutorials I linked in this post - and now just have a mess.

I seem to be getting the same error as Anderson Evans (below). Please could you do an example with an excel file. Thanks so much, Mel

Posted in Comments With Polymorphic Associations Discussion

thank you :)

Posted in Comments With Polymorphic Associations Discussion

Hi Chris, I'm trying to make an index view (for comments) that shows all the comments on a specific film that are published. If comments wasn't a polymorphic resource, I could add published: true to the index path. But, since the comments view belongs to both actor and film I can't prefix the index with the parent name in the path. So I'm a bit stuck for what to do.

Posted in Comments With Polymorphic Associations Discussion

I forgot about this. I watched it a year ago and used in in my last attempt at implementing these associations. And then I forgot about it. Im back on track again - thanks for this (again). I'm struggling to figure out how to filter the index of the comments resource by an attribute (say :status == 'published'). I can't do that in the regular way because the route is looking for a prefix (of film/actor)

Posted in Looking for Rails work? / Hiring Rails developers?

SEEKING FREELANCER (remote - via skype)

Before I give up on trying to learn how to use polymorphic associations in my app, I thought I might try here to find someone that might know how to help. I've outlined my issue in this Stack Overflow post.

The frustrating part about trying to figure this problem out is that I can do what I want to do in the console. I just cant make the code work in a consistent way.

Here is my most recent post outlining the problem and the best 10 attempts I've made at trying to solve it. If you can help me, I'd love to know how to use this association - otherwise I'll give up and make separate resources for each duplicate relationship.

I'm happy to pay for help (but find on and similar, that I tend to spend hours watching people decide that they cant help). It gets frustrating and expensive.