Thuba Mamba


480 Experience
3 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Social media icons on auth buttons

How do I have social media icons on auth buttons on Jumpstart? The ConnectedAccountsHelper doesn't seem to render them. I have also changed the kit for FontAwesome.

Posted in How to use Uppy with ActiveStorage Discussion

How can I do this in such a way that I don't have to click on the upload button but instead the upload 'box' is shown on the view?

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

Thanks Michael. This worked for me.

For those who might have Turbolinks.start, comment out - 'ActiveStorage.start'.

Hey Yi Mei Wang, I had a similar problem with logs not showing in Production and I simply added the following to config/environment/production.rb:
'config.log_level = :info
RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER ='log/production.log')'

This also worked for me. Thanks Jay.

This was very helpful. Thank you Chris.

I'd like to 'force' users to complete their profiles after having signed up on a Rails monolith app.

This might be late but I had the same error. First place to look at was in the environment variables.

nano /home/deploy/myapp/.rbenv-vars

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion

Hey Chris. Thank you so much for this guide, it always works. I have just one question, how would I access Rails console in my droplet? Using "rails c -e p" or "rails c" doesn't seem to work.

This is great. Does it allow you to then connect to a domain?