No, actually you have to set it up. That's sort of where my tutorial leaves off I guess.
Add gem "mysql2"
to your gemfile, change the adapter in database.yml to adapter: "mysql2"
and add a password
line that has the database password. Run bundle install
and restart your Rails app and you should be good to go!
You may also need to run rake db:create to have Rails create the database for you.
That's saying that your database connection to the database isn't working. You may have specified a password when you installed MySQL or a different username than root. Update your database.yml to specify the database, make sure you have the mysql2 or pg gem installed in the Gemfile, and you'll be good to go.
Posted in Trying Out Bootstrap 3.0 Discussion
Perfectly good! :) Gems get installed to a location like that when you're in development. It's mostly because you shouldn't ever modify the gem's code, so they don't want to place it in a location where you might be tempted. If you do want to modify the gem, you can fork it and use either the github
or path
options when specifying a gem to user your own version. This didn't make much sense to me either the first time I used it.
It sounds like you're missing the openssl lib and that's causing it to fail. Can you check to make sure you have libssl-dev installed?
Posted in Trying Out Bootstrap 3.0 Discussion
Make sure you didn't put this gem or the sass gem inside the assets group because Rails 4 no longer uses it. If that's not it, paste your Gemfile in a gist and I'll take a look!
Thanks Al! I'll be updating the tutorial shortly. I think I wrote it when Rails 4.0 wasn't out yet but hadn't updated it since.
Fantastic! I'll update the tutorial to include this in the near future.
I think it's likely that the editors are looking for the Ruby executables. rbenv and rvm both install hooks into the shell so that you can switch between active Ruby versions. The editors most likely don't execute your shell configuration so it doesn't find them. My suggestion in this case is to choose the version of Ruby you're planning on using and find their binary inside either the .rbenv or .rvm folders inside your home directory. That way it can find the executable directly without having to jump through one of the managers.
That's fantastic to hear! :) Programming really is a blast and I'm glad you got Rails 3 going. You'll be able to upgrade it later on fairly easily anyways. Good luck with everything and let me know if you have any more questions!
I know the feeling. :) So if you go with MySQL, you need to update your database.yml to use the "mysql2" adapter and install the "mysql2" gem with your Gemfile. By default it's going to use sqlite3. You should be able to run fine with sqlite3 so it shouldn't be having any errors. Does your log/development.log file contain any info that might help debug what's wrong?
Weird. Make sure you run "ls ~/.ssh/" to make sure. I'm sure it's just something simple. :)
Done, thank you!
Thanks, updated that and the ruby instructions to p247!
I think we might open source the site at some point so people can submit changes.
Thanks Michael! I've updated it to fix the typos (I think!) and improve the instructions a bit.
Ah ok! Glad you got it working! :)
Did you use rbenv? Make sure you run rbenv rehash
if you did, this command makes sure that the executables it installs are available to your user.
Sure thing, you'll do just fine with Ruby 1.9.3. :)
Looks like the ruby 2.0 tarball is corrupt. You can try downloading the ruby 2.0 source tar.gz file and saving it to ~/.rbenv/cache like they suggest here:
Let me know if that works for you! It could also be curl causing a problem or a network issue.
Posted in Lock Up With Devise by James Jelinek
It's fantastically simple to use, even if you need to customize. Be sure to let us know if you need any help!
Posted in Orphaned Children by James Jelinek
Another useful tip is to check out my Hyper Paranoid gem which instead of deleting a record, it sets a deleted_at
attribute. That way you can recover deleted records if you need them later.