Search Results for "searchkick-activerecord-recordnotfound-at-tools-autocomplete"
Forum Threads

Searchkick search_data not working
Gems / Libraries
I'm playing around with elasticsearch and searchkick, but I can't seem to get search_data working. Searchkick seems to ignore it all together.
If I only put one attribute in, it still searches on ...
Chris Oliver replied

Searchkick: Reindex on model in multitenancy through default scope app
Has anyone had any success indexing their multitenant data with searchkick? I followed the suggested article in the readme ( ...
Chris Oliver replied

Searchick filter with scope
Gems / Libraries
Has anybody used searchkick with a scoped model?
I have an `Article` model with `scope :published, ->{ where(status: "Published") }`.
So In my `ArticleController` I did the following:
Owen replied

How does Searchkick/ElasticSearch impact how I should structure my database indexes?
Gems / Libraries
I have a couple of questions about implementing Searchkick and ElasticSearch in general.
* Let's say I'm using ElasticSearch to search for products like so:
# usage "apples", fi...
Mark Doerr replied

How do I search through associations with searchkick (elastic search) together aggregations
Hello folks,
I’m trying to do a search query through an association. Here’s what I have.
I have Property model which has_many :characteristics, as: characteristicable on one side. On the other si...
Owen posted

Preferences & Settings with ActiveRecord::Store Discussion
Great stuff
sthapit replied

how to setup elasticsearch on Heroku?
I implemented the elasticsearch/searchkick on my app and it works on develoment. But it's not working on production. I did heroku logs and these are the errors:
"Completed 500 Internal Server Erro...
Joe Guerra replied

Improve performance of simple searching method
Hi,I have been building an app these days. The functionality is nothing fancy at all, I have to connect to a client's SOAP webservice, fetch some data, save it into my pg database and build a searc...
Ernesto Gimeno replied

Elasticsearch server with Hatchbox timing out
Got another hatchbox issue trying to figure out. With elasticsearch now, I have a dedicated cluster that only runs elasticsearch. In the ENV there is the elasticsearch_url and ive SSH into the el...
Chris Oliver replied

Searchkick and Anycable-rails hangs server
Hello! I have an issue in my app that I just cannot solve.. I have been using Anycable in production for a year now and it have worked great. Then I added Searchkick to improve the search experienc...
Marcus S replied

Searchkick/ElasticSearch not accepting Rails/Ruby booleans?
Hey everyone! I'm trying to get elastic search to work with a checkbox, but as they return a 0 or 1 as booleans, elastic search doesn't accept these params. Does anyone know how to get elastic sear...
Cory Johnson posted

Searchkick Aggregation for has_many_through association
Gems / Libraries
Hey guys,
I have an ecommerce product catalogue, where I store products, product options and option values in this kind of fashion:
# models/product.rb
has_many :option_values
has_many :optio...

Searchkick - Searching Polymorphic Associations
Gems / Libraries
I have an activity feed (thanks Chris for the lesson) and I would like my users to be able to search the feed for search terms. The activity is created on a nested record. Is there a way to search ...
Terry Bonds replied

Searchkick Aggregations - Need to show Users only from Current.account
My App uses Current.account from ActiveSupport and i need to show only Users (for filtering) who belongs to the Current.account.
The following Setup for Search Filters with Aggregations (searchkic...
Chris Oliver replied

Searchkick conversion settings help
Gems / Libraries
Im starting to integrate search features into my recipe app and looking to build a "Popular", "Trending", and "Just For You" query to display on the index screen. Ive got the searchkick and search...
Alex Deering posted

Searchkick Elasticsearch filtering
Does anyone know of any good tutorials showing how to add filters for searching?
Thanks in advance.
Stephen Sizer posted

Setup Searchkick with Minitest
Hi everyone,
Just followed the searchkick official's docs to setup the tests, so that I can test my search controller:
Let's assume I have the following model:
class User < ApplicationR...
Patrício posted

Using elasticsearch/searchkick to run a search bar via my navbar and show results in a search.html not index.html? ..
I just finished going over Chris's two great railscasts dealing with search. However, I wanted to put my search bar on my navbar so that whenever someone searches the results I will be take...
alexsunny posted

Using elasticsearch/searchkick to run a search bar via my navbar and show results in a search.html not index.html?
I just finished going over Chris's two great railscasts dealing with search. However, I wanted to put my search bar on my navbar so that whenever someone searches the results I will be taken to my...
Omar Khedr replied

How does searchkick work with Friendly Id for scoped objects?
I've developing an app where posts are nested under locations and are also scoped by location. Through Search, I am able to locate these posts under the location/:id/posts, but not under the locati...
Satchit Shenoy posted