Search Results for "how-do-i-use-gems-that-i-don-t-share-with-the-rest-of-the-team"
Forum Threads
Setup Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
Thank you, it helped me a lot...
ZhAinoS %z% repliedUsing React
Rio replied • SolvedMultitenancy with the Apartment gem Sending email in production
@chris on my sideq im getting this error any idea?? ``` 09:37:22 redis_s.1 | 33693:M 07 Dec 09:37:22.096 * 100 changes in 300 seconds. Saving... 09:37:22 redis_s.1 | 33693:M 07 Dec 09:37:22.097 * ...
Francisco Quinones repliedDeploy Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Discussion
Great tutorial. Everything went well, but when I do cap deploy production, I get the error below. Any ideas? Thank you!cap aborted!SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as deploy@...
Alex Hendershott repliedUsing the Trix Editor plus File Upload Attachments Discussion
Hi there! Any idea why uploading works in development locally, but not on ngrok or in production? I get this: application-f91eb14d1a71eb1bded7bacba5a2c9f6e50d1ef47606669468a65584ed3f021d.js:18352 U...
Gabriel Ursache repliedHow do I create a virtual balance model in Rails?
All of you are attempting to re-implement book-keeping from first principles. When what you need is Plutus.
inopinatus repliedMultitenancy with the Apartment gem Discussion
its possible to use this gem without subdomain. So every tenant will have same domain but inside the logic there is scheme segregation ?
soutsur repliedSEEKING FREELANCER - Javascript configuration
Cool. I'll try it this afternoon. Thanks so much again.
Melanie replied • SolvedDocker Basics for Rails Discussion
Nice video. Coming back to docker after a couple years and you did a great job explaining what matters for rails setups.
Mike Scarborough repliedSetup Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Discussion
Icing on the cake:echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrcgem install pry && echo 'alias irb=pry' >> ~/.bashrc
Tom Lobato repliedI'm lost and can't find the way out
So I'm in the middle of this project and I thought I could figure it out on my own, but it appears I am in over my head here. So any advice/help you can give me would be great. Basically I'm tryi...
Andrea Fomera replied • SolvedHow do I fix Github Action test error caused by "DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist"?
Hey - I have a Github Action test file as below. When I run the CI, the system tests which use Selenium WebDriver do not pass. The following error occurs: ``` Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownE...
Christopher Lam postedbad URI(is not URI?): Gotham Bold Regular.ttf error, how to fix?
rbenv: bundle: command not found
I agree. I think a submit an improvement piece would be helpful. It would allow others to add value to the already valuable resources you provide. Plus a lot of us have edge cases which we could...
shakycode repliedHow to import javascript from Gems with webpacker
How to use in the project?
Uttam replied • SolvedTagging Posts(Or whatever) in rails without any gems
O.K., so if you want to learn, than these resources might help you: Otherw...
TRADEO replied • SolvedStyling with Bootstrap Sass Discussion
I have a really small question... How do i style a particular element in a particular controller action. I know there's a way to put the controller name in the body of appcontroller but i don't kno...
Anyanwu Miracle replied