In-App Navbar Notifications Discussion
This is exactly what I was looking for!! Thank you so much!!! I'd love to see how you integrate React to this feature too.
Ken Hibino repliedThis is exactly what I was looking for!! Thank you so much!!! I'd love to see how you integrate React to this feature too.
Ken Hibino repliedThis is good work, especially for a first pass. I'd also try to avoid the `case` statement in your controller. I mean if it works, then great. But I usually like to put more lengthier logic in t...
shakycode repliedDid you solve the problem?
Whimere repliedStatus update: **[SOLVED]** --- Thanks to a live code of Adam Wathan himself, I found out that `[v-cloak]` was the solution I was looking for. Here is the solution: 👉
Thomas Sohet replied • SolvedHello, I just finished going over Chris's two great railscasts dealing with search. However, I wanted to put my search bar on my navbar so that whenever someone searches the results I will be take...
alexsunny postedA really cool video Chris thanks!
Sergio Márquez repliedjQuery.turbolinks gem was deprecated. Any new solution?
Ariel Wulkan replied • SolvedResearched, hacked through trial and error but was finally able to get it to work. If anyone else has a similar issue, I've outlined what worked for me below. Three Steps Add a post to your route...
Omar Khedr replied • SolvedHi chris, Isn't storing chat id is vulnerable to XSS?
anasaijaz repliedsimple procedure attempts!
thisiswhy1called repliedHey Chris! great episode! Are you planning to update this with turbo streams and Broadcastable syntactic sugar?
Jack repliedAmarÃa saber inglés para poder entender el tutorial :( gracias por el aporte de todos modos.!
Moi_link repliedWould love this episode revised with Stimulus.
Marcos Filho repliedI'm not quite sure on #1, but as for #2, you've got paperclip which wants an actual file. Facebook's API is only going to return you the url of the file, so you've got to tell Paperclip that you wa...
Chris Oliver replied • SolvedHey @tabish Category’s haven't been a problem for me in the past, I’ve done about a dozen prototype applications using them, the difference with this application is the amount of different categor...
Shaun Fahey repliedI want the source code of the website can you pls. provide the github link for that : )
Dhairya Majmudar repliedThank you, Chris, it is working! And thank you for pointing me that it is necessary to find out what is JS scopes, which appeared to be very useful information. :)
Michael Derzhavets replied • SolvedI am trying to implement this on a rails 7 project (using jsbundling-rails for my javascript). When I manually setup the data in the console and invoke autoComplete on the form - it works. However ...
Thomas Keller replied