Deploy Multiple Rails Apps to Same DigitalOcean Droplet?
Is there an updated version of this?
Andrés Howard repliedIs there an updated version of this?
Andrés Howard replied@Chris Oliver hope this finds you. I followed ubuntu 14.04, set up and I have done it several times in the past with no issue and only this time I faced the same issue. I have checked if my Ngnix ...
Navid Shafie replied • Solvedi got "this site can't be reached" when i check using sudo systemctl status nginx: active (running) since Tue 2024-04-16 11:08:56 UTC; 27min ago deploy@srv508193:~$ sudo ufw status Status: activ...
Hamdan M repliedYou can try `RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--disable-install-doc rbenv install 2.6.3` instead of `rbenv install 2.6.3`
jundalisay repliedThe fetch environment is useful because when you run `cap production deploy` it'll use production from there. And then it seamlessly supports `cap staging deploy` if you add a staging environment. ...
Chris Oliver repliedthank you :) i solved it by changing the yui requirement for sass !
Sebastian replied • SolvedChris - I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, thanks for your explanation - your information was very helpful, on to my next deployment!
Jeff See repliedHey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana repliedThank you so many times over. This was a life saver!
Jake Yeaton repliedIs there a guide to deploying with Puma to a Linux server (ubuntu) running Nginx?
Joseph repliedHi Chris please help when installing jumpstart it pause on bellow generator rails generate devise:views:bootstrapped Please help!!!!
Mpumelelo repliedIt was a permissions issue. Everything was set to nogroup somehow.
Matt Gardner repliedAnd glad it's been so helpful! This is the community I wish I had a long time ago, so that's great to hear!
Chris Oliver replied • SolvedChris, will you be extending Hatch to do patching/updating? tim
tim carmichael replied • SolvedAh, that'll get you! Good idea about adding that. It's pretty common, either that or one of the alternatives like libvips that's supposed to be faster.
Chris Oliver replied • Solved