Jon Roock
Posted in Watched the video- One Time payments with Pay and Stripe- (embedded), Form never loads....
No- I ended up watching Chris’s video which implements a little differently.
It works now- thank you.
Posted in Watched the video- One Time payments with Pay and Stripe- (embedded), Form never loads....
Posted in Watched the video- One Time payments with Pay and Stripe- (embedded), Form never loads....
HAS anyone been able to get STRIPE EMBEDDED PAYMENTS working?
I followed Collin's course to the T, but when I get to the point where the stripe form is supposed to be inserted into my DIV on the Application.html.erb, I get nothing.
my payment intent is being successfully sent to stripe and shows as OK on their log.
It would be nice to find someone I could ping to compare notes with.
Thanks!! JonRoock@att.net
Posted in Subscriptions with Stripe Discussion
HAS anyone been able to get STRIPE EMBEDDED PAYMENTS working?
I followed Collin's course to the T, but when I get to the point where the stripe form is supposed to be inserted into my DIV on the Application.html.erb, I get nothing.
my payment intent is being successfully sent to stripe and shows as OK on their log.
It would be nice to find someone I could ping to compare notes with.
Thanks!! JonRoock@att.net
Collin- Chris also has a video out on this site to do payments with Stripe. However, his uses webhooks that have to be running.
Is that video a better one to use to set things up than this one? Or, is this is better option?
I'm really struggling!
Did you ever get Stripe working? I'm having issues bigtime. Any advice? I don't seem to be getting answers back from these guys.
Todd, did you ever get Stripe working? I've been struggling for a week.
I'm so confused with Stripe stuff. I just finished the other video that your other guy did for stripe embedded payments. His video didn't have us do anything with webhooks. However, I think his video is a little newer than this one.
I'm just grasping at straws now because I've been dead-in-the-water for over a week trying to get my redirect to stripe for the payment form. I'm tryinng anything or everything at this point.
Could you let me know which one of these videos I should follow in order to get stripe payments working with the least amount of issue?
It might be good to have a note in these video's where you have multiple versions available teaching the same subject, so people like me don't get confused.
i appreciate what you're doing. Thank you!
Jon Roock
Struggling 58 year old newer Rails developer
Former Software Development manager, Liberty Mutual Insurance
Hey Collin,
Hate to bother you on this, but I'm nearing my wits end.
I can't get this form to load. I've tried everything I. can think of and have been stuck now for days on this piece.
On the Stripe site they keep talking about how this form is supposed to be inserted into an iframe empty div placehold that we've left.
Well, that's hot happening.
The only error I see from the browser perspective is that I'm getting a status 403-forbidden on the file application..js:1.
http://localhost:3000:assets/application..js:1 net::ERR_ABORTED 403 (forbidden)
It also mentions that this file was preloaded using link pre-load, but is not used within a few seconds from the windows load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate "as" value, and was pre-loaded intentionally.
I don't know. I'm pretty new to javascript.
If you can't help, is there some sort of Rails/Javascript expert that you can think of that I might be able to pay to help me through this?
Or, worst case- What can i educate myself with which would help me?
Oh yea- one odd thing happened. There is the code that you can download on stripe for the embedded option we are following. When I opened up their HTML file for the form, the frames appear on my browser in a light gray, but nothing else. However when I look at the html page source, I can see everything there but it's just not displaying. Could this be as simple as some sort of CSS thing?
I appreciate any help you can provide!
Jon Roock
Thank you for replying! I'll check on the javascript stuff.
By the way, you did a fantastic job teaching in this video. I tried to learn Braintree via another video and struggled for an entire week before eventually giving up, and putting blind faith in your ability to help me implement stripe, step by step.
I followed along very easily. I had a couple of issues with the controller i'm using to store my stipe-price object, probably because I named the model PaymentPlans. Oddly, when using parameters, I had to separate the two words; payment_plans to get it to recognize.
Anyway- keep up the good work!
Jon Roock- Indianapolis
I followed every step and all seems to be working to the point where the form is supposed to come up on the screen. Instead of the credit card form being displayed, my screen just goes blank and never returns. The last thing I see on my server is that the Application.html.erb was rendered. Do you have any advice on how I can get help? I don't know if maybe the javascript isn't executing or what.