Ryan D'Agostino
Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion
Thanks everything worked after I updated my Ruby version.
Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion
Thanks for the help Chris. Regardless better errors is working. Great tutorial by the way.
Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion
Hopefully it's not my computer running OS X 10.9 and Ruby version 2.0.0p247. You think it just needs an upgrade to the Ruby version?
Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion
Thanks for the reply. Here's the total output:
Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb
creating Makefile
make "DESTDIR="
compiling debug_inspector.c
linking shared-object debug_inspector.bundle
clang: error: unknown argument: '-multiply_definedsuppress' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]
clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning) in the future
make: *** [debug_inspector.bundle] Error 1
Gem files will remain installed in /Users/ryan.dagostino/.bundler/tmp/17652/gems/debug_inspector-0.0.2 for inspection.
Results logged to /Users/ryan.dagostino/.bundler/tmp/17652/gems/debug_inspector-0.0.2/ext/debug_inspector/gem_make.out
An error occurred while installing debug_inspector (0.0.2), and Bundler cannot
Make sure that `gem install debug_inspector -v '0.0.2'` succeeds before
Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion
Hi Chris,
I'm running into an issue when installing binding_of_caller. When I run bundle install I get the following error An error occurred while installing debug_inspector (0.0.2), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install debug_inspector -v '0.0.2'` succeeds before bundling. I'm not sure how to get around this. Any ideas?