Flavio Wuensche


230 Experience
2 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Speed up Rails boot times with Bootsnap Discussion

Hi Masud. Recently I moved from AWS to Heroku and that was the best decision I made. Everything worked out-of-the-box. The application itself, solr, the database. Everything was reeeally easy to set up.

I didn't check Digital Ocean though. Could you elaborate on why Digital Ocean was the best decision for you? Thanks!

Posted in Devise Masquerade as another User Discussion

You can atually use < pre >< code > tags for syntax highlighting :)

Posted in Devise Masquerade as another User Discussion

Hi Chris, firstly, thanks a lot for your videos! They're so valuable!

My first question is related to using masquerade together with the friendly_id gem. I noticed masquerade_path(@user) is redirecting to /users/masquerade/chris, for instance. If I hardcode the user id - like in /users/masquerade/8 - it works. Any insight on how can I make it work properly?

Also, and even more important: if any user tries to open this URI, even if he's not an admin, he's able to access other users' accounts \o/ won't that happen in your application as well?