RJ McCollam


4,860 Experience
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Posted in Ruby version stuck on macOS

Setting up my new MacBook Pro and am running into an issue with ruby versions.

At this point I have installed and am usin rbenv. I installed ruby 2.3.1 and when I ruby -v that is what it shows.

When I try to start the server on an app that specifies ruby 2.3.1 in the gemfile and in .ruby-version I get this message - "Your Ruby version is 2.0.0, but your Gemfile specified 2.3.1".

Not sure where this rouge setting of 2.0.0 is at.

Posted in File Uploads with Refile Discussion

I thought that this was happening to me too, but when I actually thought about it I saw it was working. Even if you upload to a 3rd party host the rack app for refile will download that image, process it, and still give it a local URL. The true test to see if it is uploading to S3 is to look in your bucket to see if the images are being stored there. Turns out mine was working all along.

Posted in File Uploads with Refile Discussion

I am having the same problem as your initial one. Did you figure it out and is that why you posted a link to your repo? Could you elaborate on what you did to correct it?