Tim Cheung
Posted in Javascript frameworks videos?
One thing which struggled my head is:
What is the main purpose or use case for those js frameworks?
I see there are many features from angular overlapping with rails
e.g. ngRepeat overlapping render partial,
ngroute overlapping routes file
Also unlike jquery, those js frameworks are lack of useful components. So which prohibit me to totally dive deep to in right now.
Posted in Any good regex rules for validation?
Thank Chris, you save me ton of time :) I own you a starbuck!
Diego's regex look prefect for me, and i just realize the jquery validation plugins "formvalidation.io" also using this rule for validate url
Below is the ruby version i use
Posted in Any good regex rules for validation?
Just find out this site, when you type the regex rule, it will explain it instantly. It's really cool.
Posted in Any good regex rules for validation?
Currently, i am searching regex rules for validate url. And i am struggled how to build this from scratch. Is anyone have a good resources on this topic?