Aqib hameed
I want deploying Rails 5 app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano on centos 7.so which guide is best ???
Posted in Receiving incoming emails
Right now i am using mailman and it configuration
Mailman.config.pop3 = {
server: 'pop.gmail.com', port: 995, ssl: true,
username: 'USER-EMAIL',
password: 'USER-PASSWORD'
Mailman::Application.run do
default do
puts "Email receive"
its work fine to read email only single account, but i face an issue how to reads email from multiple email account ???e.g email1@gmail.com,email2@gmail.com etc (e
Posted in Receiving incoming emails
But griddler supported email service options are sendgrid (the default), cloudmailin, postmark, mandrill and mailgun.These email service option are paid.But i want to read the email without using email service options just like Mailman, But Mailman canot read emails from multiple mailing box.
Posted in Receiving incoming emails
I want to develop a software which has multiple emails against the brands, e.g Brand1 has email email1@gmail.com, email2@gmail.com, and Brand2 has emails email3@gmail.com, email4@gmail.com. So Customer send their query by email on email1@gmail.com etc. So system reads all emails against the brands on which customers send their emails.So which Gem is best in rails to reads the emails from multiple mailing box without forwarding the emails???