Aayush Shrestha
A long time, but what did you use?
Everything runs properly but the tweet is not posted. I have started redis, sidekiq and changed my timezone.
Can anyone help me?
I am making a notebook app and wanted to implement the summernote text editor, the docs for summernote-rails are nearly 3 years old, and I could not find any other proper guides to implement it. Any help is appreciated!!
Thanks a ton! Will try this
How do I fetch the usernames,profile picture in the Beginners tutorial?
When I go into console and look the user up, only the twitteraccount id and user_id are shown whereas name, username and image are nil.
Would love some advise!!
<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<TwitterAccount id: 1, user_id: 3, name: nil, username: nil, image: nil, token: [FILTERED]
I get this result by the way
When I do User.last.twitter_accounts, I get this:
=> #]>
Why are the name and username nil?
Any advice is hugely appreciated :)
Nvm. Solved this using auth 1.0a
How do you authorize the user to access my account all the time?
I have to authorize the user every time I log in to twitter.
Any answers are welcome!!