Nathaniel Mak


380 Experience
2 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Using stimulus & alpine

I’m using tailwindcss in a rails app and since they have prebuilt a lot with alpine it’s convinient to use alpine also. Alpine is good, but more for complex tasks I would like to use stimulus. I saw that gorails is using also alpine and I’m wondering if they’re using stimulus as well like I’m planning to. Is this a good practice to use them like this or should I neglect alpine?

Posted in How can I whitelist an heroku app for external api?

I should probably take a look at hatchbox. It seems that heroku doesn’t support this. Unfortunate since I enjoyed how they had set up the staging and production splits.

Posted in How can I whitelist an heroku app for external api?

I have a situation where I would need a static ip for my app in order to get whitelisted from a third party api, but heroku doesn’t support this. Has anyone got managed to find a fix around this anyway?

Posted in Skip Stripe checkout for user with certain conditions

Any ideas on how one would go about adding this to stripe checkout flow? I would like the referree to have a free post instead of going through the checkout if he has a referred user who has the referral_completed_at? as true.

Posted in User Referral Program From Scratch Discussion

Any ideas on how one would go about adding this to a stripe checkout flow? I would like the referree to have a free post instead of going through the checkout if he has a referred user who has the referral_completed_at? as true.

Posted in User Referral Program From Scratch Discussion

Hi Chris! Any suggestion on how to proceed with the complete_reffral! method. I would like to give the referrer a free post without him having to go through stripe checkout for payment.