john c little


20 Experience
0 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Thanks Chris!


Can you give some ideas on how to deal with managing multiple Vue.js apps in a single application? For example what if the example rails app had other forms besides teams that need functionality (not necessarily nesting) and we want to develop that functionality using Vue.js as well.

Would you check for the existence of the html element and conditionally create Vue instances? For example, in hello_vue.js you write var element = document.getElementById("team-form"); if (element != null) { ... Would you just continue this pattern?

I have many js widgets and views in an existing Rails Application. These widgets get used on various views and sometimes more then once on a single view. Most of the time this javascript is enhancing an html element such as a table or input. My current js architecture is based on this article ( ).

Would each of these widgets become a Vue app or is there another concept that I am missing?