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you're everywhere my friend!!!
Needed just that recently as well.

Would be great to tackle the signup implementation with classic username/password in React Native

Resize to fit only works with image_processing gem. Upon bundle install, restart your server and give it a try.
You will need to whitelist some routes (sign_up...) based on 
with a regular expression and skip middleware for those paths. (similar to what Chris did with ensuring account_id is a number)

How do you end up testing this with Minitest?
All controllers actions fail because env["REQUEST_PATH"] is nil

NoMethodError: undefined method split' for nil:NilClass

Variants are generated upon request (on the fly).
However, once it gets generated and saved to disk, then it is read from storage. So, the calculation only happens once.

Posted in Stimulus JS Twitter UI: Part 2 Discussion
