Ahmad hamza


1,290 Experience
5 Lessons Completed
1 Question Solved


I have pushed my implementation here - https://github.com/ahmad19/tomselect-stimulus-hotwire-demo

I think i got the solution. I'll share a gist in sometime.

I'm using tom-select to either select from the options or create record in the modal. The problem happens when the form submits successfully and that newly created record is now have been selected in the dropdown.

Hotwire easily handles the stuff of showing validation errors on the modal but i'm not sure how to update the dropdown options using stimulus js.

I figured this out. It was chrome driver on which it was not working. I changed to firefox and it worked perfectly fine.

Hello Chris,

I have followed your course on Stripe and i'm stuck one complete_stripe_sca step. The problem is the test does not go beyond that. It keeps on waiting.

  fill_stripe_elements card: 4000002760003184
  fill_in 'name_on_card', with: user.full_name
  click_button 'Subscribe'
        expect(page).to have_current_path(orders_path)

Thats it. It nevers comes to the last line. When on without headless chrome, it stucks after clicking the dialogue box of SCA and just stays there on the same page.

Do you have any idea what is wrong ? Let me know if you need more details.


Posted in jQuery UJS Callbacks Discussion

I would like to appreciate your work. Keep these screencasts coming. Great work :)