updateSection: (section) => { const iframe = document.getElementById('ifameId') const innerDoc = (iframe.contentDocument) ? iframe.contentDocument : iframe.contentWindow.document; const selected_section = innerDoc.getElementById(section.id) selected_section('[data-page-setting="title"]').innerHTML = block.title },
- Users saves section.
- Section#update updates section
- Responds with json with something like: { resp: { data: @section: template: “ERB STRING”} }
- Page editor updates the iframes section with the updated resp.template
- Page editor updates the form fields with resp.data
Chris has an in-depth series on a similar setup using vue:
Rails & Vue.js Trello Clone
Some links on using Rails as an API:
Build an API in your Rails app now! (Rails 5 version)
Building the Perfect Rails 5 API Only App
Otherwise, if you need a highly interactive real-time app I would look at Meteor:
I'll need to play with it some more!
Do you have a patreon account or similar setup? I really appreciate all your help!
Before I was just doing @listing.assign_attributes(listing_body) which would pass the required attributes to build the subdomain.
It looks like I need to somehow pass the listing to user1_site = user1.build_site.save
This is not valid, but I'm basically trying to achieve this:
A Site is a very small model which stores things like domains, subdomains etc can be used to create differnt type of sites. i.e User site, Listing site, Company site.
A Listing could have its own Site (but doesn't have to) and must belong to at least one User but possibly more.
A User can have one Site and can have many Listings.
So something like:
User has_one Site
User has_many Listings
Listing has_one Site
Listinghas_many Users
A Site has_many Users
Is had a look at has many through and polymorphic associations but kept getting stuck with all the two way relationships so I suspect I'm going about this the wrong way.
I originally had the first_or_create as a block with the image code inside it which would save the post objects with only the external_id so I was missing the crucial @new_post.assign_attributes(post_body)
A: How to only save the parsed object if it has changed.
B. How to only save the related images if the post object has changed.
Luckily every object from the API comes with a mod_time field which is updated whenever something changes.
Below is a simplified version of what I have now which is currently just saving straight to the database.
module SomeApi class ImportPosts < Api def self.import response = client.get response.body['posts'].each do |post| post_body = { external_id: post['external_id'], mod_time: post['mod_time'], status: post['status'], external_post_id: post['post_id'], title: post['title'], body: post['body'] } # This works as it should with no dublicates @new_post = Post.where(external_id: post_body[:external_id]).first_or_create(post_body) # This will always run post['objects']['img'].each do |media| @new_post.images.build( external_id: media['external_id'], mod_time: media['mod_time'], url: media['url'], format: media['format'] ).save end end end def client Api.client end end end
My models are pretty standard:
class Post < ApplicationRecord has_many :images accepts_nested_attributes_for :images end
class Image < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :post end
As you can see, the Post will only save if the external_id does not exist but I think I need to first check if the mod_time is newer but I can only do that if the post object has been saved to compare.
The other issue which I have found surprisingly difficult, is how to only run the associated images if the parent post is ran? I tried wrapping the image code in a first_or_create block but it only saves the posts external_id.
Thanks for your help Jacob!
I just changed the above to below and it works perfectly!
def slug_candidates
[user.first_name, user.last_name,],
[user.first_name, user.last_name, :id]
I was originally generating the :subdomains in the user model, but now that I have the Sites model I think I should move it there but this obviously won't work now as it doesn't know about the users :first_name & :last_name
class Site < ApplicationRecord
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: :slugged, slug_column: :subdomain
belongs_to :userdef slug_candidates
[:first_name, :last_name],
[:first_name, :last_name, :id],
So I have a list of users who each have a link that looks like this:
<%= link_to "Create site", sites_path(user_id: user.id), method: :post %>
But I'm not sure how to handle the params?
class SitesController < ActionController::Base def create @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @site = @user.build_site(subdomain: @user.subdomain) @site.save end def listing_params params.fetch(:listing, {}).permit! end end
This is what my Sites schema looks like:
create_table "sites", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "subdomain" t.string "main_domain" t.string "type" t.string "label" t.bigint "user_id" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_sites_on_user_id" end
As you can see, I have a subdomain which is created from the users first_name & last_name by friendly_id
I started out with that association but the Site holds :subdomain, & :main_domain which is then used to load realted layouts, pages and other relations so I'm not sure how I would do this if a Site belongs_to a User?
Let's say I have a list of Users and an admin could click a button/link that would create a site for them from the existing user's data. What would be the best way to set this up?
This is what I currently have but I feel like I'm on the wrong track:
class Site < ApplicationRecord has_one :user end
class User < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :site end
I then have a link on the list of users:
<%= link_to "Create site", sites_path(user_id: user.id), method: :post %>
And then the Sites controller:
class SitesController < ActionController::Base def create # What now? end def site_params params.fetch(:site, {}).permit! end end
I'm very excited about Stimulus and can't wait to see where it goes!
Thanks Jacob!
I have setup a service that parses and saves the result of an external API which all works great, however, I can't work out how to save the array of images that need to be saved in a has_many relation.
The service:
module Domain
class FetchUserPosts
def initialize(token)
@token = token
def get_listings
resp = client.get("/v1/some/api/posts")
resp.body.each do |post|
headline: post["headline"],
body: post["body"],
images: listing["media"].map { |l| l["url"]} ???
def client
Faraday.new(url: "https://example.com", headers: { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{@token}" }) do |f|
f.request :json
f.request :retry
f.response :logger, Rails.logger
f.response :raise_error
f.response :json
f.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
The Post Model that it saves to:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :images, as: :imageable
And the associated Image model:
class Image < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
Everything works except I'm unsure how to deal with the images which look like:
"type" => "image",
"url" => "https://image-1.jpg"
}, {
"type" => "image",
"url" => "https://image-2.jpg"
Posted in Drag and drop form builder
Did you see this? https://gorails.com/episodes/sortable-drag-and-drop
I have an external JSON API that I need to parse and save and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to use?
I found tons of info on building a rails API but very little on consuming an external one.
I'm an idiot.
Thanks for all your help Jacob!
Your a legend!
It appeasr to be all working now except I'm unnsure how to set the user_id
on Post
Post Model
class Post < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :postable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :user
Article Model
class Article < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :posts, as: :postable
Review Model
class Review < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :posts, as: :postable
Post Controller
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def create
# @post = current_user.posts.build(posts_params) << How do I do this now?
@parent = parent
@post = @parent.posts.new(post_params)
respond_to do |format|
if @post.save
format.html { redirect_to posts_path, notice: "Post successfully created!"}
format.html { render :new }
def parent
Article.find(post_params[:article_id]) if post_params[:article_id]
Review.find(post_params[:review_id]) if post_params[:review_id]