Chris Oliver


290,710 Experience
86 Lessons Completed
298 Questions Solved


Posted in invisible_captcha

The invisible_captcha github repo's README has instructions. 👍

Hey Dan!

I would pretty much do the exact same thing. The only change I would probably do is use ActionText for the posts instead of a text column. That way we can take advantage of Rails's built-in rich text fields.

If you don't need / want that, then I would do the same as it was basically.

Posted in The Ruby Subscript Operator Discussion

Wonderful example in the wild. Thanks for sharing!

I didn't know about this. That is super cool!

The enterprise_script_engine executable ingests the input from stdin as a msgpack encoded payload; then spawns an mruby-engine; uses seccomp to sandbox itself; feeds library, input and finally the Ruby scripts into the engine; returns the output as a msgpack encoded payload to stdout and finally exits.

I will have to try this out sometime. Thankfully you've got Shopify to help lock this down because it sure seems like it could be dangerous!

It's really simple, so you won't have any issues with it on Heroku or Cloudflare. There's no Javascript or anything to worry about.

Posted in The Ruby Subscript Operator Discussion

Under Feature Preview, you can enable "New Code Search and Code View (Beta)"

Posted in Cloud9 Rails Console display makes it unusable

You should be able ot put this in ~/.irbrc


Or you can open the rails console / irb with --noautocomplete

rails console --noautocomplete
irb --noautocomplete

Posted in Renew price for my subscription

Renews at the same price. 👍

You should be able to just modify the esbuild command in package.json to run twice.

esbuild app/javascript/application.js --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=assets && esbuild app/javascript/admin.js --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=assets

Posted in Hobby server alternatives since Heroku going paid

In no particular order:

  • (I built this! 🤓)
  • DigitalOcean Apps
  • Railway is a bit different because it runs on your server(s) and you only pay for servers. If you deploy 2+ apps on a single server, you save money because most hosts charge per-app fees.

Posted in Video Hosting

We use Wistia. It's expensive and probably cheaper done with S3 or similar.

Posted in I am new to rails.

Check out the Ruby on Rails for Beginners course and then the Series pages to learn specific Rails topics.

Posted in First open source contribution to turbo-rails

Yeah, they actually have to copy the Javascript into the turbo-rails gem periodically to keep it in sync. It's kind of annoying and I'm not sure if it's done automatically with each new release of Turbo.

Posted in First open source contribution to turbo-rails

You'll want to use to make the Javascript change. The Rails package just includes a copy of the latest Turbo for convenience so you'd want to fix it in the upstream Turbo JS package.

If you clone the Turbo repo, you can specify the Turbo package in your package.json if you set up an app using jsbundling-rails. That should be easier than trying to modify the gem's turbo.js file.

I'd highly recommend checking out our Rails for Beginners course which you can find here:

Posted in Datatables From Scratch Using Hotwire Discussion

Tables are very strict in their layout and so you can't do certain things like make a clickable row. That's why divs are more useful often times.

Posted in URL Based multi tenancy

Also added it to my to-do list of screencasts