Samuel Janes


380 Experience
2 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Tagging Posts(Or whatever) in rails without any gems

I want to do this without gems so that I get experince and learn from it. My goal is to learn how to implement one and make it good

Posted in Tagging Posts(Or whatever) in rails without any gems

I've been creating a test app for a couple of weeks know, and want to have a tagging system. It would also be cool if it was polymorphic, so multiple models could have tags.



I'm making a web app and I want to sort through a model based on popularity/trendiness, kind of like reddit/hacker news.
I want to determine the popularity based on the count of comments, likes, and impression divided by the creation date from the current world time, or some better algortihm.
How would I implement that

Posted in Devise User Follow System

Thanks John! I've just read the recommened book/chapter and I think I get it. Still would be cool to get a video tutorial though.

Posted in Devise User Follow System

Can you make a Follow system with devise that updates via ajax? Thanks!