Found the issue. The options passed should be an empty object. Nil will return an error so finally:
<%= form.collection_select :product_type, Product.product_types.keys, :to_s, :titlecase, {}, data: { action: "change->forms#handleChange" } %>
I found this issue on SO which pretty much is my issue:
But I can't make that solution work.
In my _form partial I have something like:
<div data-controller="forms">
<div class="form-group">
<%= form.label :product_type %>
<%= form.collection_select :product_type, Product.product_types.keys, :to_s, :titlecase, data: {action: "change->forms#handleChange"} %>
And in my Forms Stimulus Controller I have:
export default class extends Controller {
initialize() {
console.log("Stimulus at your service!")
connect() {
console.log("connected to forms controller");
handleChange() {
console.log("the dropdown changed");
The initiliaze and connect logs work fine. I get nothing when I change the values of the dropdown though.