Mike Cannon
The application.html.erb change didn't post in my original question - here it is
body class="prose prose-p-0 prose-max-w-none mx-auto"
So I have modified by tailwind.config.js file as such:
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Inter var', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
// Here's where we're adding custom prose styles
prose: {
'max-w-none': {
maxWidth: 'none',
'p-0': {
padding: '0',
'px-0': {
paddingLeft: '0',
paddingRight: '0',
'py-0': {
paddingTop: '0',
paddingBottom: '0',
// If you want to remove margins
'm-0': {
margin: '0',
plugins: [
Also have changed my application.html.erb file to this:
But nothing seems to change on the screen. I've verified that tailwind is loading and I can see the styles I have created when I inspect the page. Any recommendations on how to expand to use the full screen instead of this centered squished look with all the whitespace on the left and right side of the page?
Posted in Rails app to upload and view videos?
Users need to be able to upload videos and these videos need to be able to be played inside the application. I'd prefer the the videos were not public, I was told that Youtube had the ability to create a private channel but may be miss informed. I created an app and used your blog tutorial as a guide and deployed the app to heroku. The app will currently allow a user to upload a video, stores the video on aws s3 through that rich text client which provides a file upload. I can see the video files on the index page but have not figured out how to play the videos in the app. Started thinking maybe I'm approaching this wrong and should just stored the videos on Youtube.
Posted in Rails app to upload and view videos?
I'm buidling a rails app that needs to be able to allow users to upload videos and view them in the app. Is the best strategy to use Youtube or would you recommend a different approach? Do you have any GoRails lessons on this topic or suggestions on any gems that might be out there for this purpose?i
Posted in Amazon S3 in blog tutorial error
Thank you Chris - subscribed to GoRails today. Your suggestion got me past the error I was having but not quite there to being able to upload an image to S3. Now it's throwing:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.AKIA6GBMFLWUWUVRFEWIAWS4-HMAC-SHA256
I have triple checked the access keys so I know they are correct. How do you check the signing method?
Posted in Amazon S3 in blog tutorial error
I am following the Go Rails blog tutorial. Currently trying to work through trying to set up Amazon S3 to upload images from the blog app. I've retraced the steps from the blog numerous times. I know that my access_key_id and secret_access_key are set in my credentials file but can't get past the following error:
Aws::Sigv4::Errors::MissingCredentialsError in ActiveStorage::DirectUploadsController#create
missing credentials, provide credentials with one of the following options:
- :access_key_id and :secret_access_key
- :credentials
- :credentials_provider
Any insight is appreciated.