Martin Curiel
Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
So I am assuming LinkedIn omniauth is not as easy to integrate as the others, so that's why you skipped?
Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
Never mind. I figured out! Everyone should purchase Jumpstart Pro!!!! So easy to use.
Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
I actually see that you already have an OmniauthCallbacksController file, so I guess I could fill that out similar to the source code here?
Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
Hi Chris - I am trying to integrate facebook and LinkedIn login on Jumpstart Pro app. Do you recommend I follow this video to do so (e.g. add the OmniauthCallbacksController, etc.) to get it working?
Posted in Import into administrate?
Sweet. Thanks.
Posted in Import into administrate?
Hi - I used Jumpstart and really like the administrate gem relative to ActiveAdmin. One issue that I am having a hard time is the import add-on doesn't seem to be available like it is for ActiveAdmin (I found export add-on here: https://github.com/thoughtbot/administrate/wiki/List-of-Plugins) Do you have any thoughts on this? Should I just build out an import functionality from scracth?
Posted in Get Jumpstart Pro
soungs good. I undersrand will purchase the single license for now
Posted in Get Jumpstart Pro
Hi Chris - love your stuff and been a long term subscriber of Gorails.com. Do you have any special pricing for subsrcibers on Jumpstart Pro: https://jumpstartrails.com/pricing ? Love to get the single license or maybe the multi-license if it's reasonable enough. Appreciat your work,
Posted in Have Stripe public key show up
I found that I could put ENV["stripe_public_key"] directly on the head and that solved my issue.
Posted in Have Stripe public key show up
Hi Chris,
I went through the master class for Stripe and your DigitalOcean tutorial. Attempting to combine my knowledge. I was able to deploy the app:
As you can see my pricing table is not showing up. I look at the JS console I see that it's not picking up the Stripe public key. I did place the stripe credentials in .rbenv-vars as you went over in the tutorial.
Do I also need to also edit config/environments/production.rb so that I have:
config.require_master_key = true
or does the Digital Ocean server pull only from .rbenv-vars file?
Thanks again,
Hi Chris - great tutorial. Is this methodology what you would recommend if you are adding comments to a new site? I know there are gems out there that build this in automatically. Also, what about Vue.js - do you think using Ajax in this way is preferable to building out some Vue.js component.