Thomas Sohet
FYI @chris, you actually can use localhost (well at least on Firefox and Chrome).
localhost will act as the top-level domain, so if in dev you use an URL like: my-subdomain.my-app.localhost:3000
, rack will consider the request.subdomain
to be my-subdomain
. So no need for lvh.me
anymore ;)
Status update: [SOLVED]
Thanks to a live code of Adam Wathan himself, I found out that [v-cloak]
was the solution I was looking for.
Here is the solution:
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUXpcbYQ_iQ&feature=youtu.be&t=2357
I have a classic RoR - Webpacker app.
On top of Webpacker, we have implemented Vue as our frontend framework and Tailwind as our css framework 👌
Everything is functioning fine. Yet I am not quite happy with the navbar behaviour at page load.
The implementation is the following:
The layout.html
doctype html
html.no-js lang=locale
= stylesheet_pack_tag "application"
= javascript_pack_tag "application"
div data-behavior='vue'
= sw-navigation
== yield
The application.js
import { Navigation } from '../components/layout'
Vue.component('sw-navigation', Navigation)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const app = new Vue({
el: '[data-behavior="vue"]'
The sw-navigation
is a straightforward vue component.
The issue is that at loading, my navbar has a weird behaviour that's making it look ugly:
The JS not being interpreted display yet, the element of the navbar appears on the right the screen without any style.
You can see the result in my screenshot here
How can I solve this ?
- I know I can investigate in server-side rendering. But TBH I'd like to avoid that option just for a navbar component
- I know I can use a plain old
navbar, no vue component. Yet this is exactly the perfect use case for a component in my opinion (needs JS for scrolling behaviour - content changes based on variables - ...) - What else ?
Please help, I am sure I am not the only one struggling with this 😉
+1 definitely
Hey Chris or anybody,
I am stuck here, the @change
does not fire any event and the @end
or others hooks does not provide the element in the event.
Without the element, it's pretty impossible to go further.
Thanks for you answer.
The @end
CustomEvent {isTrusted: false, to: div.dragArea, from: div.dragArea, item: div.card.card-body.card-padding, clone: div.card.card-body.card-padding, …}
isTrusted: false
detail: null
type: "end"
target: div.dragArea
currentTarget: null
eventPhase: 0
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
defaultPrevented: false
composed: false
timeStamp: 3530.1349999936065
srcElement: div.dragArea
returnValue: true
cancelBubble: false
path: (7) [div.dragArea, div.col-3, div#app.row.dragArea, body.lang-en, html, document, Window]
to: div.dragArea
from: div.dragArea
item: div.card.card-body.card-padding
clone: div.card.card-body.card-padding
oldIndex: 1
newIndex: 0
oldDraggableIndex: 1
newDraggableIndex: 0
originalEvent: DragEvent {isTrusted: true, dataTransfer: DataTransfer, screenX: 814, screenY: 471, clientX: 789, …}
pullMode: undefined
__proto__: CustomEvent
<draggable v-model="lists" :options="{group: 'lists'}" class="row dragArea" id="app" @end="listMoved">
<div class='col-3' v-for="(list, index) in lists">
<h6>{{ list.name }}</h6>
<draggable v-model="lists.card" :options="{group: 'cards'}" class="dragArea" @end="cardMoved">
<div class="card card-body card-padding" v-for="(card, index) in list.cards" :key="card.name">
{{ card.name }}
<div class="card card-body">
<textarea v-model="messages[list.id]" name="new_card" class="form-control"></textarea>
<button @click="submitMesages(list.id)" class="btn btn-secondary">Add new card</button>
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
export default {
components: { draggable },
props: ["original_lists"],
data: function() {
return {
messages: {},
lists: this.original_lists
methods: {
log: function(event) {
listMoved: function(event) {
let data = new FormData
data.append("list[position]", event.newIndex + 1)
url: `/lists/${this.lists[event.newIndex].id}/move`,
type: "PATCH",
data: data,
dataType: 'json'
cardMoved: function(id, event) {
console.log(id, event)
// const list_index = this.lists.findIndex((list) => {
// return list.cards.find((card) => {
// console.log(event)
// // return card.id === event.element.id
// })
// })
submitMesages: function(list_id) {
let data = new FormData
data.append("card[list_id]", list_id)
data.append("card[name]", this.messages[list_id])
url: "/cards",
type: "POST",
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
success: (data) => {
const index = this.lists.findIndex(item => item.id == list_id)
this.messages[list_id] = undefined
<style scoped>
p {
font-size: 2em;
text-align: center;
.dragArea {
padding: 5px;
min-height: 20px;
.card-padding {
margin-bottom: 10px
.ghost {
opacity: 0.8;
background: #f4f4f4;
'rails', ''
"vuedraggable": "2.23.2"
webpacker (4.2.2)
@Elijah, the @change
is not working for me (the event is never fired), could you elaborate your solution please ?