Javier Sanz
Posted in SQL injection attempts, any advice?
Thanks Chris! No more evidences in Rollbar of the issue again. A security checklist episode could be great!
Posted in SQL injection attempts, any advice?
Thanks Chris, two newbie questions:
- (...) 'you should include it to the bottom of your controller': within the private methods or out of them?
- (...) 'just replace all the params[:page] references with this method page' > Can you confirm if what I got here
@hacks = Hack.friendly.tagged_with(params[:tag]).paginate(:page => params[:page], per_page: 5)
should I replace it with this other string?
@hacks = Hack.friendly.tagged_with(params[:tag]).paginate(:page => page, per_page: 5)
Posted in SQL injection attempts, any advice?
Hi there,
In the logs of Rollbar for my app petithacks.com, I have seen in the past 2 days attempts like the ones in the image
I'm using 'will_paginate' gem for pagination of several records in the app, and also a gem to 'like' elements. Also I found this thread in a google groups but no idea how to include the suggested in my code. Within my hacks_controller.rb these are the 2 methods that include paginate:
def index
@hacks = Hack.friendly.order('id desc').paginate(:page => params[:page], per_page: 5)
def tagged
if params[:tag].present?
@hacks = Hack.friendly.tagged_with(params[:tag]).paginate(:page => params[:page], per_page: 5)
@hacks = redirect_to hacks_path
Any help & advice on how to avoid these kind of attempts?