Amie Fudge
I've implemented the apartment gem and am able to run it in my local environment. However, when I deployed to Heroku, the site won't load and I get this error in the logs Apartment::TenantNotFound (One of the following schema(s) is invalid: "immense-atoll-80386" "public"):
Has anyone run into this before? Any ideas on what I am missing
Oh that's great to hear, Clint - happy it was a help :)
would a convention for booleans like this work
Booleans for pending behaviour:
noun followed by past_tense_verb: admin_requested, account_requested, terms_requested, etc.
Booleans for current state:
present_tense_verb followed by noun: is_admin, has_account, accepted_terms, etc.,
In the past we have added a naming convention for tables and columns in our data dictionary. If you don't have documentation that is that formal, I would just add a page on a wiki or confluence
I just tried to do the same with my Users and Roles
In my Role model I defined a class method call available
def self.available
@users = User.all
Role.where.not(id: @users.pluck(:role_id).uniq)
In my form for the dropdown I use this
<%= f.collection_select :role_id, Role.available, :id, :name, {class: 'form-control bootstrap-select', required: :required} %>
I think you could adjust the code above to work with your orgchart / positions
I'm watching the rails tutorial on the apartment gem and am curious how to manage my Users, which I've already created through Devise and implemented User Roles.
Essentially, I want one Super User to have access to all tenants (that would be me). One Tenant User who logs in globally and gets switched to his/her tenant (this person would be my customer) and then all other Users to be within the Tenant subdomain. (i.e. staff and customers of the Tenant Owner). I want the Tenant Owner to manage their own users within their subdomain but not have access to any other users.
Do I have to create another User class? Devise is not my friend and I'd hate to muck around with that any more than I have to. Creating a parent without Devise would be the ideal way for me to go but I still want the Devise authenticaton that I've already implemented on the User class. Asking too much?