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I have trouble using a Bootstrap 5 theme (like those we can find on, for instance) with a Rails 7 application I'm building. I'm not sure which is the best way to integrate it.
First I intended to install Bootstrap getting rid off nodejs, as explained in this article : It seemed an interesting way of doing it so I wanted to give it a try.
But afterwards, I have a feeling that it make integrating my theme very uneasy. A lot of dependencies like flatpickr or JS features don't work properly.
So at this point, I'm wondering if integrating my theme in a more "classical" maner (as explained there, for instance) wouldn't be a better solution.
Does anyone here is a Bootstrap theme integration warrior and could give some advice, even perhaps a hand?
Off course, I've kept it short but I will gladely share any additional info about all this!
Thanks for reading!
