Daneil Cardenas
1,650 Experience
16 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved
That devise-bootstrapped gem is a time saver ;)
Posted in Subscriptions with Stripe Discussion
Hey, Robert
I just had to start all over again from scratch(I'm sure I dropped the ball somewhere). But I got it right the second time around :) good luck!
Posted in Subscriptions with Stripe Discussion
Yeah, it's probably because I'm trying to learn while also adding it to an actual already deployed app. I tried doing it from scratch (following the video) and it worked. I must have dropped the ball somewhere, but no worries, I'll get the hang of it. Thanks for the help.
Posted in Subscriptions with Stripe Discussion
Posted in Subscriptions with Stripe Discussion
Hi, Chris
I'm getting this error. I looked around online but still hitting a wall. Thoughts? Thanks :)