Yai Yai Chu
So in here I see you're passing the Server::Create object an argument with the provider, which is something it already has (since it's in the server, and the Server::Create object knows the server).
This creates the possibility that someone might eventually try to call #perform(:linode) on an instance that has a :digital_ocean as the server.
Do you think we should depend on documentation and testing in these cases?
If I have a passing test verifying this case is correctly handled, I think it'd be OK.
Something very interesting about this code is that with that "def user" you're overriding the definition of the parent class (ActiveRecord::Base) for the #user method, when actually there is none! :D Because of the way Active Record works, the #user method is generated at runtime. So, when you call super inside it, you're actually triggering that definition.
Posted in Decorators From Scratch Discussion
Amazing episode! I guess this kind of decorators are different to the decorators in the GoF book. Those inherit from the class they decorate to adhere the Liskov's substitution principle. I suppose this can't be done because active record naming conventions would not be compatible with this.