Alex Musayev


11,030 Experience
63 Lessons Completed
6 Questions Solved


I've been thinking, since assets compillation suppose to be performed during production deployment, it is irrelevant to make Bundler to require uglifier, sass-rails, therubyracer and may be some other gems while running Rails on production environment. They will be never used anyway, because config.assets.compile is explicitly set to false in config/environments/production.rb.

What could be a good approach to tell Bundler not to require them? At the moment I'm thinking to use environment variable. Something like this:

gem 'uglifier', require: (ENV['RAILS_ENV'].to_s.downcase != 'production')

May be there could be better options?

Posted in Install Ruby from binaries on production: do or do not?

Cool! I think I'll use this approach in my Ansible playbook for provisioning app server instances. And the "long path" with ruby-build/ruby-install will be there as a fallback option, in case pre-built archive is not available for some reason.

Posted in Install Ruby from binaries on production: do or do not?

I'm using rbenv with ruby-build plugin as a default way to install ruby for development and production environments. Is there a way to make installation process faster, but keep it stable?

For example, there is ruby-ng repository that could be used to install Ruby as binary package, saving a lot of time on source building: Anyone tried it? Are there other options?

I'm using Ubuntu Server on Vagrant (for development) and EC2 instances (for production), and Ansible to automate provisioning.