Joshua Rinard
730 Experience
7 Lessons Completed
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Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
Yes. I'm successfully handing the pages as you mentioned. I'm sorry I don't think I was very clear before. The user creates an account with Devise... in that account they "Connect" facebook. That gives access to pages they manage....... but what if they realize when no pages load that they connected the wrong facebook account... and therefore want to back track and disconnect that facebook account and attach a completely different one to the same devise user?
Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
My users are authenticating to access pages they manage. So I'm concerned if they connect a facebook account then realize the pages they need are in a different account. So I was thinking they could do some sort of disconnect. so they could attach a different facebook account.
Posted in Login with Facebook Discussion
I have been enjoying learning this series. I noticed when I log out of devise and create a new devise account and then go connect the facebook it auto logs me in with the old session from the other user. Is there a way to allow some sort of session destroy or whats the best direction for this? Thanks