Michael Stitt
Posted in Implementing Markdown Support in Forums
Hi Chris,
I watched all of the videos in the Forum Series -- nice work!. I'm wondering if you're still planning on getting around to showing us how to implement support for Markdown within the forum posts. If not, can you point me in the direction of the gem you used?
Thanks, and happy holidays!
Posted in Token Auth API with Devise
Awesome! I'm looking forward to watching this when I get home.
Keep up the good work!
Posted in Token Auth API with Devise
I guess I'd just like to hear you point out any long-term considerations we should take into account when attempting to build API endpoints, as well as a web interface in the same Rails app.
I've read that it's advantageous to store API tokens in a Redis instance, is that feasible when using Devise?
I've never built a production-facing API so any advice/guidance would be much appreciated!
Posted in Token Auth API with Devise
I just watched your screencast on using Devise for user authentication and learned quite a bit. However, I not only want to create a web app but I'd also like to provide a JSON API as another way to interact with the database. Do you think you could create a screencast where you show us how to go about doing something like this? I read through the comments and it looks like other people are looking for something similar.
I found an open-sourced app but I'd love to hear you walk us through why you're choosing to do different things.
I love your screencasts, keep pumping 'em out!