Andrei Crudu
I've been searching online for a good way to manage Java dependencies in a JRuby on Rails app. I am interested in a way to structure the initial setup. I will have to use quite a lot of machine learning and natural language processing jars in this project.
Any help would be much appreciated
Posted in Good public national holidays api?
Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it.
Posted in Good public national holidays api?
What did you use in the past. I am also looking at the holidays gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/holidays Looks pretty good and it has all the stuff I would need to define my own holidays.
The problem is that I'm not looking for holidays in the US which are all over the place. I am looking for a way of getting my hands on holidays for smaller European countries and some of the big ones too, and I especially need a way of getting my hands on the holidays that will happen in the future.
I thought about using the google calendar api but that works only with my own calendars and they seem to be missing some holidays. Manually inserting holidays in a google calendar just to fetch them doesn't appeal to me.
If you could tell me what you have used in the past, that would be awesome.
By the way ... I really like what you are doing here and the fact that you are active in the forum is awesome.
Posted in Good public national holidays api?
I am working on a project and I need an api from which to import all the national holidays for a certain country and even for specific regions in that country.
So for example I could import all the holidays for 2015 for the USA or select to import all the holidays for the New York state in 2015 - which would include all the national holidays plus those specific to New York.
Any recommendations on a good and stable holiday api would be more than appreciated.
Posted in Advanced Rails books and materials
Hi guys ... and girls.
I am interested in any advanced rails materials you might know about that are actually good. Most of the stuff is beginner level and something advanced is hard to come by.
GoRails is great for intermediate level as it states, but I would love some advanced stuff also.
Any recommendations will be more than appreciated.