So I've set myself up with Hatchbox on DigitalOcean. I don't think I want to deploy seperate environments on the same server. But if I create an entirely seperate cluster I am afraid of racking up costs (ideally I'd want costs of the staging environment to be negligible).
Should I just replicate the steps I took to set up my production cluster for my staging cluster and somehow "turn off" these droplets when I do not use them to avoid racking up costs? Would this approach work?
I want to make a "new application" feature that will require several pages, form validation on each page before progressing to the next, and routing users to different pages depending on which options they choose.
What's the modern rails way of doing this, OR how would you do it? From scratch? Gems? What gems? I've read about the Wicked gem but wanted more opinions.
Edit: typo