Terry Danylak


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Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

Can't tell you why it's happening, I looked at the code and it seems ok. Nothing wrong with.

I suspect the whole concept of turbo_frame_tags is a bit confusing to many. We're not used to the idea of navigation within a frame, it sort of remind me of how iframes work.

Maybe there is confusion with how turbo_streams should work with turbo_frames.

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

You'd have to wire it up with StimulusJS controller to close the form on submission. Or roll your own JS function for that.

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

You probably have to create a separate controller to handle the editing/updating of that attribute and then wrap that attribute in hotwired form. Or use regular CRUD controller but still wrap each field in a separate form. Or do some javascripting.

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

Well done Chris. Keep it up.

Posted in Where is the search bar?

It works now. I see icons
It was strange, I didn't see search icon for a couple of days. So I wondered if you disabled search.
It's all good now.

Posted in Where is the search bar?

I don't see it, as a matter of fact none of the icons are visible, even in this comment editor. I just relalized that if I clicked in the area where the search icon should be, search bar pops up.

I tried Chorme and Safari. No Icons in the nav bar or the comment editor.

Posted in Where is the search bar?

There is no search, I can't search for episodes. Browsing is a good option but takes loong.