Margarita Barvinok
Hi Chris.
This is an old episode and an old discussion. But it's still relevant, I watched it and used it in my Rails 7 project. But what I want to add to the Set Schedule dialog are the 'until' and 'count' parameters that are mentioned in the recurring rules. I can't find any documentation on that.
After creating a recurring event the hash with the rule looks like this:
where 'until' and 'count' are null. I would like to set up 'until' and 'count' values too.
I see a pull request in the recurring_select GitHub repo: https://github.com/gregschmit/recurring_select/pull/117 (Add option to end after a number of occurrances or on a date #117) opened on the same issue.
Do you have examples with all rules' parameters, or could you point me to any documentation?
Thank you,
Hi Robert,
Thanks for posting your solution. I was able to make it work with Rails 7 too, but my set schedule dialog is ugly.
I wonder if you tried to use the 'until' and 'count' parameters in the recurring rules.
I can't find any documentation on that.
I see a pull request in the recurring_select GitHub repo: https://github.com/gregschmit/recurring_select/pull/117 (Add option to end after a number of occurrances or on a date #117) opened on the same issue.
After creating a recurring event the hash with the rule looks like this:
where 'until' and 'count' are null.
I would like to set up 'until' and 'count' values too.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
Thank you,