cd /var/www/your_website/current/rails c -e production
I'd suggest running mina it is way faster than capistrano! look it up using 'mina gem'
How in the world do I create the tenant and after creation it redirects the user/account to said subdomain
so if the link would be
how can I restrict a person from just using that link outside of the website?
I'd paypal $50 for the answer!
So if you copy the link of the rails blob and paste it ( incognito ) it basically downloads the file how is this remedied?
So here is the Scenario of what I am trying to do
I have a view
= link_to admin_page_path(page), class: "edit-#{page.id}" do
.subcategory.btn.btn-xs.btn-info{"data-subcategory" => page.id}
View Subcategories
Here is my javascript
$('.subcategory').on('click', function(e){
row = $(this)
page_id = $(this).data('subcategory');
url: "/admin/pages/" + page_id,
type: "get",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
/*render partial with data*/
error: function() {
console.log('the covids')
Here is the controller
def show
@page = Page.find(params[:id])
@page_subcategories = @page.subcategories
render json: @page_subcategories
how can I render a partial with the @page_subcategories json response?
How can I get @page_subcategories into a partial which than appends to the specific table row id
Please !
fixes it
Im having a problem
I have an Entry which can have many Detail through EntryDetail
The EntryDetails arent being saved at all
Posted in Was wondering if there is a tutorial on how to setup background job server in Ubuntu with Rails
Is this available somewhere?