Arthur Cheek


480 Experience
4 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in My Development Environment Discussion

One thing that really helped me learn vim was vimtutor. If you have vim installed, you should already have it. Just type vimtutor in the console

Posted in nested resources n your API Wrapper Rubygems series?

Forgive me for not knowing vultr and using a generic example but.
lets say we use a service where customers have multiple products, and to access the products for a customer the endpoint is something like /products?customer_id=foo
and we wanted to access a nested resource, e.g. client.customer.list.first.products

client.customer.list.first would return MyApi::Customer (a subclass of Object)

Would it be wrong to pass the api token to the Object class, so we can make requests from there?

Posted in API CRUD Actions Discussion

What about if we want to access a nested resource, e.g. client.customer.list.first.products
Is it wrong to pass the api token to the Object class, so we can make requests from there?

Posted in Refactoring Rubocop GitHub Action Discussion

2 Questions!

  1. Why is GithubData a class rather than a module when it doesn't need to have instances?
  2. Am i right in thinking that the GithubData.owner and GithubData.repo methods would not work as they dont have access to the event_json variable? Thankyou, Great episode as always!