Lidia Wisniewska
I've added non-gem strategy in lib/strategies and in initializers I have
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
autoload :Doorkeeper, Rails.root.join('lib', 'strategies', 'area_agent_doorkeeper')
I keep getting 'Could not authenticate you from Doorkeeper because "Invalid credentials".' - do I need to do anything differently if the strategy is not in a gem?
Awesome! It was actually my teammate who got to this solution in the end.
It turns out this is the way to go
mail = Mail.new(
from: 'some_email@example.com',
to: 'some_email@example.com',
subject: 'Logo',
body: 'Hi, See the logo attached.',
mail.add_file filename: 'sample.txt', content: StringIO.new('Sample Logo')
create_inbound_email_from_source(mail.to_s, status: :processing).tap(&:route)
Posted in Namespace rails belongs_to
Hi Tiago, is this a typo?
belongs_to: permission
It should be belongs_to :permission
I'm trying to test attachments using receive_inbound_email_from_mail, but when inspecting mail.attachments I get an empty array. Is there another way around this?
from: 'some_email@example.com',
to: 'some_email@example.com',
subject: 'Logo',
body: 'Hi, See the logo attached.',
attachments: [ fixture_file_upload("files/logo.png") ]